New Clan Members (NO COMMENTS)
CKY/ASH. --> ash (unfixable connection and ping problems,cant participate in wars and events) good luck,take care m8
dt'baal -> raz
reason - too much ia ;/
Turaj/Darkrabarbar >>>>> DRKRBR . RS
raz ---> .dZ|rzx!
heeej bo mi wskoczy na tego
.dZ|turo! ---> .dZ|turo! leader
nat ---> NAT * DIE
Noshit --> clanless Fokus --> clanless Bones --> clanless Lion --> clanless Devast --> clanless Szilard --> clanless Noldee --> clanless Twister --> clanless No much explanation. Just have no time to lead it.
KHAAZAR *T* DIE ---> khaazar
his own decision, gl man
despite nobody cares about e5r-scene:
Rix -> Rix WgvD
Welcome back
m4rcel. --> CKY/M4RCEL. welcome man
sNeAkY*Zxc >>> Zxc (left q3 and e+ )
sNeAkY*Slavin >>> Slavin (more then half year inactive )
Rix! >>> sNeAkY*Megazord (welcome in our family )
Sp >>> sNeAkY*Sp (after his ragequit he decided to back with us, welcome again mate )
from this moment, we are FULL as hell, we DON'T recruit nobody anymore, not even GOD personally if he ask for it... our family is complete now and I am happy for it... love you all my mates...