i start to flame ... e5 SUXXX
here it goes...
green sux nearly as much as e5
boo @ spam tho
wrote:Hmm I agree many soultions here but KoD clan really don't like e6.cfg
e5 and e5r are close to same cfgs so they can be on one cw but e6 is different cfg .well, difference from e5 to e5r is the insta rail (new main weapon), difference from e5 to e6 is the weaponswitch... so all 3 are different somehow... but still extremely close to each other...
but hey if e5 and e5r are so much the same for you how about dropping e5 since all e5 guys can play e5r
e5 and e6 have a couple more differences than the switch time stated... bounding box effects all weapons so mg and sg are a little more powerful in e6 to compensate
also the nades length of time till exploding (i love spamming from high places)
also the railgun isnt an instakiller... but it is a compromise between e5 and e5r
Snails has problems. we r not play in the league until we solve the problems.
Snails has problems. we r not play in the league until we solve the problems.
Problems we can help with?
PB problems? Pure problems? Member problems?
There's a big section above the ranking for all sorts of problems.
Seth: not pb, not pure, not member problem. but there is a big problem in the clan. And this problem only the clanleading can solve.
Gasol: i dont know when can we solve the problem. Maybe we can solve, maybe cant
about FF... imo it just doesnt fit to excessive...
we move mainly per weapons... which means by every weapon-move you could/would hit your teamm8...
That's not a point.
FF adds more skill to the game, taking a quick look around before moving with a weapon is not hard, blind shooting in entrances and also spaming are too big issues to not prevent them. The problem about switchspam was that players don't take time to aim and just shoot more while switching, well ff ON bring back the aim in the primer position too. And by the way it's always funny to kill ur mates, we can give the cup for the biggest teamate killer
but there is a big problem in the clan. And this problem only the clanleading can solve.
good luck on fixing it... give a shout if it is somehow possible to help
well, Im playing that game so long (pants and e5, which are kinda the same) and havent ever seen a game with ff on...
maybe I should give it a try since I hardly can imagine how that will be going...
still I dont think such a change feels good to me on my old playing days
same goes for all the other veterans in EN I guess
@ bodz... give me the biggest team mate killer cup now. there is no contest.
with ff on its really funny cos when you are all facing one way to kill someone and a teammate flies across trying to dodge... you can accidently catch him with an sg or something... but the funniest is gauntlet camping when a teammate flies into your gaunt
maybe an option of having the ff giving less damage, but then you might aswell start self damage too. in my opinion... sometimes shooting your friend in the back to move him into the enemy's shot or into a hole is just as bad anyway
excessive makes me lose my inhibitions and shoot excessively. i can live with collateral damage.
lets see how is funny to kill your own team mate and their reaction
nah i suggest FF ON
even 1 time
it can limite the bfg grenade spam and that can be more AIM and no just shoot everywere
szabee league maybe start in one month then i think you can soluzione your problems
ok kod are in too
- I apologized my tvl's members and I pleased them to play match vs fuc sunday but they definately disagree ... Dunno why - abarth isnt whole tvl.