New Head of Moderation (aka site admin replacing myself).
actually we don't have a slight idea who made the thread disappear. (we couldn't find it out in the night either)
anyways, gl joy and epsi.

Take care, Joy.
To the current mods, a protip: the trash can is there for a bloody reason, maybe you guys could start using it, instead of outright deleting whole threads? ffs
They can't, new forum has no split-thread function
Postcount is intact so it has to be in limbo somewhere in the inacessible parts of forum...In any case the thread contained some good points and should be saved for posterity.
Just re-post it? Just one thing for sure, I did not delete it, and i also did not play around with it.
I just suggest, chose the right words without "starting" to be offensive.
As long it is written by facts without any side blows, i will keep the past out of the discussion. (Speaking for my own behavior, not for the behavior of others)
good luck
good work
E p $ !
Gud Lak epsislow mate.
Aww, mistrees! Take care great admin.. Visit us time to time, and come back some day..
Epsi, good luck man!
take care, Mistress
good luck, my dear Epsi <3
gl... both