New interview
3. November 2006 - 22:20
New interview
You should do Faith next though!
3. November 2006 - 22:22
New interview
You should do Faith next though!
That didn't sound right xD
3. November 2006 - 22:25
New interview
You should interview Faith next though!
3. November 2006 - 23:37
New interview
Would be cool to see an interview with rena,to see him from the other side of the mic but,wasnt term allready interviewed by him? :roll:
4. November 2006 - 11:48
New interview
what happened to wasp as one of top clans? Oo
4. November 2006 - 12:08
New interview
what happened to wasp as one of top clans? Oo
Damn. Blame the coffee ;p
I hate listing shit, coz i'm always forgetting something ;/
4. November 2006 - 13:07
New interview
hehe no worries
i hope you BURN IN HELL !
Well, next on my list are Zack, Casa, Rena, Term, SuperBo! and a few more Hoping to do (no, wait, interview) FAith now as well...
Thnx Nec!