New Moderator Vote.

I personally vote for fala. He's been here many years, not away from the game often. Has experience with this job already. Is impartial to people/ideas.
I like rage too, but yeah he does disappear a lot
who is fala i heard this name first time but rage is here from 2003 ... he worked for this comunity too much ... so respect... f1 for RAGE!
vote for zydek xd

vote for zydek xd
antrax, vote for pornstar ;o

... he worked for this comunity too much ... so respect... f1 for RAGE!
Rage is nice, for sure and he is acting reserved, he is a good player and he has not the reputation of an offensive person.
But the only thing i remember what he did for the community is, that he joined a clan to help it. But you can't call this "working for this community too much".
I respect Rage alot, but i don't like it, if he get's promoted by wrong terms.
I voted for nobody, since i wouldn't have any problem with fala or rage as mod, but please, keep the facts straight.
why one OR the other? Lucky us 2 serious guys want to be moderator, go ahead! Honestly they do not earn a place in heaven and they won't receive any gratitude/rewards/supreme power for that. I really do not see how 2 more mods can hurt here (given these applicants ofc).

(also the above pastebin automatically voids any comment skullhead leaves in this thread c: )
nice trollfail

Was Tem who wrote the post.
Zack is too nice a guy, Fala can be too much of a dick. Take half of each and you have yourself a moderator.
I saw that mate too lazy to correct it though.
Half of each would make a nice dick ? Kewl c:
@ Mow Is there any rule that says that you must have "done" something for the community in order to be a moderator? The important thing imho is the capability of making correct judgements and have the ability to stay unbiased,that would be the "right terms".
Did i say something like that? i just don't like wrong facts, lies, etc. and if something says something basically wrong can't i say it is wrong?
And please re-read, i said already I can accept both as mods!

why one OR the other? Lucky us 2 serious guys want to be moderator, go ahead! Honestly they do not earn a place in heaven and they won't receive any gratitude/rewards/supreme power for that. I really do not see how 2 more mods can hurt here (given these applicants ofc).
rage and fala for moderators, and nana for queen!