New Public Server - DHF - Death Head Fraggers
Console Command: /connect;reconnect
Hello all WASP2 mates and community members,
I would like to announce the coming availability of a PUBLIC E+ Server to be hosted in Atlanta. This will be a 20 slot server that I will personally fund from 1 November to 30 April 2008.
The server will run a modified DeeX configuration and will have the Plus configuration for match purposes. Callvoting of maps, and configs (Deexslds.cfg or Plus.cfg) is enabled.
Modifications to the DeeXslds.cfg:
1. Increased multi-jumps from 5 to 12.
2. Increased Anti-Camp from 20/150/65 to 13/180/80
3. Added and enabled Shootable Items.
Why a modified DeeX config? Plus is great for training and FW/CW matches but DeeX is a magnet for nOObs and many veterans because deep down although we swear against SPAM we love the spammy glory and mayhem that it provides. Also, I am personally having a hard time finding a decent E+ US Server that is located in the SouthEast corner of the US.
The server will be available 24/7 Monday - Friday. It will also be available on Saturdays and Sundays but all WASP2 training and matches will take precedent. Also, any North/South American Clan without a server is welcome to ask me about using it on Saturday or Sunday for training or matches.
The server will have 18 maps in rotation and 12 of these will be common maps in rotation at most popular E+ Server or integrated in Q3.
I am seeking IMMEDIATE help from respected Community members. Ultimately, I would like 2 Administrators and 2 - 4 Referees who can drop in on the server from time to time on a daily basis.
I have not settled on a name although I am toying with the name "An E+ Twat Smoothie"
If you think you have a better name just post it quickly.
That's a VERY good news! I think I can help you out with setting up the server I had though of some servers name in the past:
(Many names directly come from Daikatana)
#1 Hellish Havens
#2 Bloodkeep
#3 Decay of Heroes
#4 Mutant Academy
#5 Instant Gibblers
#6 Outlands X+
#7 Forsaken Outpost
#8 Circles of Death
#9 Storm Sector
#10 Frag Garden
#11 Catacomb Carnage
#12 Altar of Heroes
#13 Hard Lesson
#14 Gibblers on the Roof
#15 Fragfest
As for config, I'd say try to keep Deex or Plus, it's better to stay in existing track, but it's just my opinion :oops:
I am flattered about your comment Killer
I will be on MSN most part of the evening, don't hesitate to wink even if I am away.
Congratz on the server! Seems like it's going well I too personally liked the Smoothie name
It'll be nice having a server down SE for us

*sigh* I did like "An E+ Twat Smoothie"
Thank you Dis. I will be contacting you today. I was hoping you would be one to respond.
As for the config, the changes to the DeeX config that I would like to make are VERY minor. It is not likely to annoy anyone who likes the DeeX config.
The game type will be mostly TDM/Freeze. I like most other game types especially Clan Arena but from what I see most ppl do not like Clan Arena on public servers and do not like rotating game types that vary from map to map.
I am not trying to compete with DeeX or Dvinsk. I am simply trying to provide a server for ppl who live particularly in the SouthEast US and Central/South America. Also, it will help out WASP2's goals to be the most active Clan and provide a place where other Server-less Clans can train or compete.
I would like to thank the ppl who sent me PMs or E-Mails regarding Admin or Referee positions. I have responded to everyone and will fill some positions this week and the remainder next week.
If anyone is still interested in either position please contact me.