New Rank Moderator: Rayden
Please welcome Rayden to the Rank Moderation team.
He is well known and respected in our community and i'm sure he will do a great job. Try not to be harsh with him since he is at beginning.
Current rank moderators: Fate, SP and Rayden.
gl lightning
ok now find some forum&clandatabase moderator pls
GL dude
Great news! I hope this recruitment will give some more free time for rank mods and will be a strong solid team. Perfect match!
Good luck and be patient, Rayden!
congrats rayden gl xd
I'm glad with rayden for it, you deserve it rayden, even if you and me had our against and good things, i hope you keep doing that good till now as a good person here, good choice e+ forumsers xd, btw rayden i hope that after this move, u wont be a bastard and an asshole like some stupid people was there once, like: foksie'loy, leukothea, MOW, SKULL, etc, otherwise i will not make you have a happy life xdd, gl man
good choice, i hope that rayden will have also time for clan and ranking and in first plan for family.
gratz an gl rayden im sure you'll do good )
Congrats & good luck, Radyen.