New Rank Moderator
@fps: congratz on your new duty!
@someoneelsenottoinsultanybodyespeciallynotfps: so I need to become a moderator and I lose my warnings?
Gl m8!
its isnt easy work

The second thing is range of my power hasnt be determined yet.
you should know that by name already. Rank Moderation. Any power you can use to force people is based upon stuff needed for rank. Furthermore it doesn't hurt if you have the rights to mod in general forums to count as a normal moderator if noone else is around.
Hopefully this time alienm will receive a warning, as for the rest of you plz stay on topic dont make me clean this shit up again.
gl fpsy.

Hopefully this time alienm will receive a warning, as for the rest of you plz stay on topic dont make me clean this shit up again.
I didn't said nothing insultive or ofensive to get any kind of warning. Maybe I say some words off topic, but that here happening very often, on every single thread by someone. It mean that whole community should get warnings and bans. Nevermind, for 3rd time, GL mate!
^ Nice straw man.
Keep your pants on FPS, being a mod in this community means you'll be dealing with a lot of shit. You seem a balanced guy, though, i'm sure you can handle it. Good luck.

^ Nice straw man.
Keep your pants on FPS, being a mod in this community means you'll be dealing with a lot of shit. You seem a balanced guy, though, i'm sure you can handle it. Good luck.
omg like beeing rank mod or forum mod is anything hard, just abuse your rights, ban whoever is pissing u off and dont give a fuck about what people think about u... btw skull was best of the best in it ^^
@fps: sooner or later u find your job cursed :E no mather what u do, people will mown and mown ...
my congratulation fps, good luck and take care to being a rank mod