New small server up, and runnin, we
Hello everyone....there is a new small excessiveplus server up. We are trying to get all the bugs out...lookin good so far. If we get a good response and show of people, a "real" server will be set up. We are a bunch of buddies from regular ol excessive that have just discovered this awesome mod.... .....Looks like i have found the right forum to learn everything i will ever need to know about the excessiveplus mod.....Great job people....lovin it...!!!!
Our website is :: Please come by, say hello, we are open and encourage to any advice, comments, critcisms, or just whatever anyone has to say. The server is usaully open in the evenings right now while the kinks are being straightened out....there is a link on website to server.So, we are a whole server full of xplus rookies for your fragging
We are not a clan...just a bunch of yahoos playin for all to enjoy.
Hope to see some new faces...well the site and server..
Thank you for your support..
Well Speedy got it mostly right However the server is private as of rite now due to bandwidth probs an a wimpy machine
However as he said if all goes well we hope to be renting a server soon so atleast check out our site an forums. So far i have to say hats off to this mod and we are currently experiencing no probs with it other than human error
Well great site folks Sincerely Habitual Madness Admin Night Stalker
welcome new servers are always fine question are you an tf member
from the nice ppl steve and lori
Yes, edy, we are.......we are expanding our horizons and trying to experience some new Quake 3 mod far, i love this excessive plus all have done a great job of adding the features that I as a player have wanted to see in Mr Pants excessive.
keep checkin site and server...hope to see all of you out there at one time or another....