Nice idea around avatar...
//EDIT - deleted, bcs its irelevant..
Nice idea m8
I use it.
You will have to ask Cookie about that. Its ok with me but i cant see how it says C4? Or am i just blind?
lol guys, you stolen cookie's idea..
you should change it
first our flag, then our avatar .
no serious, imo it is, as your first post says now, irrelevant and np for me because the avatar looks pretty different.
np for me because the avatar looks pretty different.
hmm..yep our is considerably better
hmm..yep our is considerably better
yes i tell it to too and he don't believe me
i like the HYPER one better
now to go a little offtopic:
lol... hyper is the most generous clan of 2007... it gives out the patents to their avatars, their clantags and swdeish people...
if you would like to buy a swedish person, pm dragon for prices...
buy one for $12500-45000 (depending on)
or rent one from $50 per week
Victoria Slivstedt not included in catalogue
You forgot clan flag
well you stole it from Saudi Arabia, and those guys dont mess around - look at what thier capital punishments are for