Noghost type insta config announcement

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fiendsin's picture
Joined: Jun 2012

//Do not edit
Config {
Name = "^o^0^1NG type";
Date = "28 09 2011";
Author = "FiendSin";
Misc {
$xp_unlagged = 1;
$g_speed = 330;
if ($pmove_rampjump == "")   $pmove_rampjump = 0;  // default is off$xp_physics = PHYSICS_QUAKE_LIVE | PHYSICS_AIR_STEPS | PHYSICS_STEP_JUMPS | ($pmove_rampjump != 0 ? PHYSICS_DOUBLE_JUMPS : 0);
$xp_solids = 0;
$xp_chatProtection = 0;
$xp_muteSpectators = 0;
$g_dowarmup = 1;
$g_warmup = 15;
$g_gravity = 800;
$g_forcerespawn = 5.0;
Start Weapon = WP_RAILGUN;
Start Powerups = 0;
Weapons = no;
Ammos = no;
Items = 0;
Powerups = 0;
Drop Enable = DR_ALL;
if ( $g_gametype == 8 )Start Powerups = PW_BATTLESUIT;Start Powerups Duration = 1.5;//elseSpawn Protection = 0;
Suit Factors {Direct = 2.0;Splash = 0;}
Multi Jumps = 0;
World Damage {        Fall Medium = 0;        Fall Far = 0;        Lava = 0;        Slime = 0;        Water = 15; }
Respawn Time = 1;
Respawn Time Suicide = Respawn Time = 1;
Hit Box = 1.1;
Hitbox Cylinder = yes;
Haste Factor = 0;
Health = 130;
Health Rot Rate = 0;
Health Soft Limit = Health;
Health Hard Limit = 2 * Health;
Health Regen = 0;
Health Regen Amount = 15;
Armor = 0;
Armor Rot Rate = 1;
Armor Soft Limit = 0;
Armor Hard Limit = 0;
Armor Regen = 0;
Armor Regen Amount = 1;
Items->Shootable = no;
Weapon Time {Dropping = 50;Raising = -50;Ammo = 0;Shooting = 0;}
Anti Camp {	if ($xp_noAntiCamp == 1)		Time = 0;	else		Time = 15;		Radius = 300;		Damage = 80;}
Corpse {Gib = no;Time = 0;}
Freeze Tag {Thaw Time = -1;Self Thaw Time = 0;Water Thaw Time = 120;Lava Thaw Time = Slime Thaw Time = 5;Void Thaw Time = 10;Crushed Thaw Time = 0.001;Thaw Distance = 130;Thaw Score = 2;Teleport Thaw = 0;Damage Thaw = -1000;Teamkill Freeze = no;Movable = yes;Solid = yes;Slithery = no;}
Capture the Flag {Flag Time = 30;Kill Carrier = 2;Defend Hurt Carrier = 2;Defend Carrier = 2;Defend Base = 1;Defend Flag = 1;Flag Return = 1;Flag Capture = 5;Flag Assist Return = 1;Flag Assist Frag = 2;Suicide Return = no;
if ( $g_gametype == GT_RTF ) {Flag Return *= 2;}}
Protect The Leader {Start Health = 600;Start Armor = 600;Start Armor Quality = IT_ARMOR_JACKET;Start Weapon = WP_RAILGUN;Start Weapons = WP_GAUNTLET | WP_RAILGUN;Start Powerups = PW_REGEN;Kill Leader = 4;Defend Leader = 1;Assist Kill Leader = 1;Leader Suicide Score = yes;}
// round settingsRound {Warmup = 10;Items = IT_NONE;Reset Flags = RESET_POWERUPS;Warmup Respawn = 0;Draw Enable = no;}}
Items {Items->Shootable = no;Drop Speed = 200;Drop Bouncy = 0;Drop Gravity = yes;Attackerward -> Drop Speed = 0;Attackerward -> Drop Bouncy = 0;Attackerward -> Drop Gravity = yes;}
Suicide {Damage = 0;Knockback = Damage;Radius = 0;Style = 0;}
Gauntlet {
Cycle = 400;
Damage = 999;
Knockback = 100;
Weight = 1.0;
Firing Weight = 1.0;
Railgun {
Ammo = 999;
AmmoLimit = 999;
Cycle = 1500;
Damage = 140;
Splash Damage = 0;
Regen = no;
Firing Knockback = 0;
Radius = 150;
Bounce = no;
Sky = no;
Weight = 1.0;
Firing weight = 1.0;
Knockback = 0;
Self Knockback = 150;
SelfKnockbackCycle = 500;
Team Knockback = 140;}

some poeple may have noticed I ran a server once in a while to test this cfg, not many visited tho
this is edited qlinsta cfg, even tho ng config should be based on vq physics, I left ql physics on.
what it has:
rail knockback, with special recharge time, if you shoot the ground it recharges faster and you can hit enemy real time,
it is still slowrail, no changes to rail cycle(only to knockback cycle)
It has PW_BATTLESUITE as spawn protection in ftaag, dont confuse it with spawn protection -1 wich is blattlesuite + spawnfrag radius, so it'll protect you only from being damaged at start, the second rail will freeze you
also speed is increased from default 320 ups(units per second) to 330 wich isnt much for some people
but some people will find it good.

get it here:

note: dont mind the cfg date because its the date qlinsta was announced, cheers.
main credit to Asphyx

Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit

◀█ BIG BOB wrote:
Man you even sound like Lego's

You Fuckers wrote:
I would cut my fifth finger to bang her actually

You Fuckers wrote:

Regulon's picture
Joined: Aug 2012
US United States
Re: Noghost type insta config announcement

Is this the Macabre config but renamed?

fiendsin's picture
Joined: Jun 2012
Re: Noghost type insta config announcement
(*WASP*ROTO) wrote:

Is this the Macabre config but renamed?

yeah, i felt it was wrong to keep the name

Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit

◀█ BIG BOB wrote:
Man you even sound like Lego's

You Fuckers wrote:
I would cut my fifth finger to bang her actually

You Fuckers wrote:

|¯FC_| Edi<-
Joined: Dec 2011
Re: Noghost type insta config announcement

why is speed increased?

Movendi: ne pla4'
-is0m3r: шел бы ты
-is0m3r: те как бы ваще пофиг во сколько в спектрах сидеть

fiendsin's picture
Joined: Jun 2012
Re: Noghost type insta config announcement
|¯FC_| Edi<- wrote:

why is speed increased?

for some people its a gain, for some people not, its just 10 ups nothing much

Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit

◀█ BIG BOB wrote:
Man you even sound like Lego's

You Fuckers wrote:
I would cut my fifth finger to bang her actually

You Fuckers wrote:

|¯FC_| Edi<-
Joined: Dec 2011
Re: Noghost type insta config announcement

ok..still sounds good

Movendi: ne pla4'
-is0m3r: шел бы ты
-is0m3r: те как бы ваще пофиг во сколько в спектрах сидеть