one Site Admin free slot available
Hello every1,
My time has come to let the next site admin in place for maintaining the content on this e+ community website. It was a great experience for me and i think for every1 in here to learn more about each other on how to help the community and not allow it to be disbanded. Being still here a bunch of clans and teams and playing this game even after 13 or so years, proves a lot about the power of this game to unite us under one flag, one logo, the quake3/e+ logo.
I will still be around in the e+ community forum but not anymore as an content admin, nor as a moderator but just like a normal player. I will keep my title as ranking website maintainer/developer, will fix bugs and implement new stuffs for the help of the community on the ranking side.
To the next site admin i let a community which is still active with less rule breakers then in the past, and with rule knowledge on what is and what is not permitted in the forum. And also the possibility to contact me if he/she requires advices.
The why is simple: time. Because time changes all.
So i guess its either:
Good luck & have fun
GL & HF epsilon
My admin slot pending since 2011 or so
I would like to apply for Moderator.
So..... who's the guy I have to suck off first?

I would like to apply for Moderator.
You're not what we need, you're what we want f1 expedion for mod XD XD
You have done a good job Epsi...... Thank you
We are lost:/ I don't think there is anyone with experience anymore here... Only one is CML, but his tyrannical aspirations doesn't makes him a right candidate for this vacancy. Even if there is someone with web master experience I don't think that person is well known or neutral like you was, activity is a problem either. So we should say "bye" and let the anarchy rule. Still owe you acknowledgement for all your work here I appreciate your patience, effort and time that you put into this place, thank you.
EDIT: Is here anyone who you'd like to see as admin?
thx for all the work epsi!
Forgot to thank you dude. Thanks for all the work you put in. I think you've really done a great job staying neutral and open minded and providing an atmosphere of justice. EPSI 4 Romanian President!
i always wanted to do it but times shown i'm not made for this, someone serious like Thor should be great for a such work
Thanks and good luck Epsi.

We are lost:/ I don't think there is anyone with experience anymore here... Only one is CML, but his tyrannical aspirations doesn't makes him a right candidate for this vacancy. Even if there is someone with web master experience I don't think that person is well known or neutral like you was, activity is a problem either. So we should say "bye" and let the anarchy rule. Still owe you acknowledgement for all your work here I appreciate your patience, effort and time that you put into this place, thank you.
EDIT: Is here anyone who you'd like to see as admin?
This place is going down now.Gl epsi and gg