Online server browser
20. June 2009 - 17:14
My online browser has been updated, especially the functionality and content.
I have ran out of space for icons so I will have to do something with that to add more
Here is the OA server list:
I have tried to make it quick as possible by using caching methods. Currently it will cache for about 10 mins and then the next person to click it will probably have a second or two wait time for the new page to cache. I haven't fully tested it
edit: i am going to leave it in cached state for now until i fix a couple of things
quickly added explus.. soon i will add a pulldown menu to filter more data... like protocol for eg. I want to try to avoid this if possible so if there's anything that would be helpful to be shown seperately let me know.
The design and logo maybe crap but its 0530 here.. i just woke up and that happened to be the next thing on my things do do list
Also, for people with clans, it's a good idea to add them to the server config. google will pick these up so good for PR