Open recrutation at TnT ! :)
Requierments -> Be active and have teamspeak 3 installed.
Whoever is willing to join will be tested on one map and then (if pass) granted the membership. Type here if you want to join. I will pm you when and where will the test happen
wtf is recrutation. Is that some sort of rectal exam?
i'm interested, is it PlusN or RailOnly?
plusN, so you can't
PlusN, yeah I can. Why not
I'm actually stepping off of Alone if I get a different clan so, if you guys are interested I can join and we can play some FW too tonight .
Recruitment is closed until further notice, though Big Bob is welcomed.
We've got already 15 members in the clan in which only 5-6 of us are active; first we'll talk with the rest of the clan about the reason why they're inactive and then we'll open the recruitment again [if necessary]. There's no need to take additional members when our current status shows the amount of members is enough even for 3 squads.
TNT versus C4 will be explosive... (haha) ok I leave.

TNT versus C4 will be explosive... (haha) ok I leave.
Good one! Though this part made me laugh the most "(haha) ok I leave."
Fuck Yeah !