OSRC2 *(IS) vs MI3 date/time
14. May 2012 - 8:00
thursday, saturday, sunday.
20.00 21.00
mi3, any of those days and times do you accept?
14. May 2012 - 8:56
Re: OSRC2 *(IS) vs MI3 date/time
thursday 21:00
14. May 2012 - 9:28
Re: OSRC2 *(IS) vs MI3 date/time
how about sunday?
14. May 2012 - 9:31
Re: OSRC2 *(IS) vs MI3 date/time
sunday is not suit me, i go to vacation after this friday. So Thu is my last chance to play in this month )
15. May 2012 - 14:15
Re: OSRC2 *(IS) vs MI3 date/time
Thursday will be better 20 or 21. well?
15. May 2012 - 14:16
Re: OSRC2 *(IS) vs MI3 date/time

so lets confirm time (20 or 21) in wednesday.
Yeah why not Wednesday is better for me too
15. May 2012 - 14:29
Re: OSRC2 *(IS) vs MI3 date/time
oh...)then i agree any time any day...wednesday can be.
15. May 2012 - 15:29
Re: OSRC2 *(IS) vs MI3 date/time
Ok so tomorrow 20:30 cest on OSRC 2 server
15. May 2012 - 16:19
Re: OSRC2 *(IS) vs MI3 date/time
so lets confirm time (20 or 21) in wednesday.