Other mods configs
all few days?rofl, first changes since ages.
Hey, did i say they change every few days on 2sweet server?
lol you took your example with 2sweet
For examples the grenades on 2sweet recently started to wait 10 seconds before exploding..
What about real cpma fusion with E+
Cpma movemend
E+ Weapon Config
no dubble jumping think that would be cool especially for playing duels
What about real cpma fusion with E+
Cpma movemend
E+ Weapon Configno dubble jumping think that would be cool especially for playing duels
exactly what i think. You can find servers with that cfg around i think.
I must say it one more time: CUSTOM MAPS EVERYWHERE(my sig is a good example)
A standard config for cws would be a good thing. I often have trouble when switching between configs of either fast/slow weaponswitch.
A standard config for cws would be a good thing. I often have trouble when switching between configs of either fast/slow weaponswitch.
no only configs...speed, gravity etc to get default servers like it was done with the standart pb and pure..
Someone should put as a sticky somewhere an official server config to play clanwars and officials events
i voted for standard cfg... i think 2sweet cfg is by far the best
I think that software comming with standard cfg. So, every version software going out with BRO.cfg and e5 cfg.
That is standard.
And if some clan wanna fight CW with standard BRO for example, have alot trouble if havent own server and can make that enviroment.
Usualy sevrer pcik is where both involved clans seek for server where both teams have good pings. So, it is lotery wich config that server have.
E+ have alot disorganisation. That is alot useless time to spend...
It's good idea casa. Better play different mods than always the same...
i think goddam is involved in a project wich gonna end out with standard configs...but hsssssssshhh i didnt say anything ...it is secret.