PHC Recruiting
PHC has been around in e+ for a good many years and has been slightly inactive lately but trying to get back on it's feet!
1.) Friendly
2.) Common Sense
3.) Decent comprehension of the English language!!!
Decente comprensión del idioma Inglés!
^thanks google translations
if you meet the requirements and are still interested you can contact me by:
1.) Post in this topic leaving a way to contact you (MSN, AIM, Email, etc)
2.) PMing me
3.)Sending me an email at : joeybrosovich[nospam@nospam]gmail[dot]com
4.)Adding me to msn at : joeybrosovich[nospam@nospam]gmail[dot]com
our forums can be found here:
Note: we are a US based clan however we do encourage euro players to join! We try to flex our schedules as much as we can. We do play Euro clans as well.