Philadelphia Phillies...
(it's a baseball thing)
Cool story bro
I just read on Wikipedia that Phil Phils won the '08 world series. So does that mean you are good at bases balls?
City pride wery. Baseball not wery so shove in ass, phil
Fuu phil
do you mean you ll have more bats to chop your heads off when needed?
You laugh, but I live in one of the most violent cities in the country, this is good for us.
It's true, Philadelphia had the highest murder rate in the U.S. for something like six years straight. This was followed by two years of the highest BIRTH rate of any city in the United States. My feelings on this? The rapists, murderers, thieves and criminals of Philadelphia are reproducing at an accelerated rate.
I'm guessing this is not a good thing. The violence rate was okay, but when they started having a "baby boom", that's just a sign of something really bad to come.
The Phils are wery, now get on irc crapbringer
[19:39:33] [@di[g]it] A payee receiving a traveler's cheque should follow its normal procedures for depositing cheques into its bank account: usually, endorsement by stamp or signature and listing of the cheque and its amount on the deposit slip. The bank account will be credited with the amount of the cheque as with any other negotiable item submitted for clearance.
[19:40:05] [@Torzelan] too many usa words
[19:40:15] [@di[g]it] bank take check
[19:40:20] [@Torzelan] k thx
[19:40:21] [@Torzelan]