PHT Recruting
All you guys that have been around a while may be of some help to me. As some of you know Brama and myself are fairly new here and don't know many peeps so if any of you know any moderate players looking to join up with a team maby sombody could send them our way. PHT is looking to grow and possibly go clan one day. We aren't looking for bot like players just some guys who are on somewhat the same level as us so we can all get better together and grow a good relationship on the playing field. So if any one knows of ppl like this please maby send them our way. Also we aren't against one or two god like killers or even total noobs.
Thanks all in advance, Trime
good luck Trime. whats pht by the way ?
GL Trime. I hope your search is fruitfull.
good luck Trime. whats pht by the way ?
Periah Team. periah means outcast.
good luck Trime. whats pht by the way ?
Phat 1337, /\/\0f|_|663R
i give all my luck to these guys that they actually find people that want to join!!! this team is very serious and one of the most dedicated teams i have ever seen i hope u guys find what ur looking for and have fun in this mod! gl bro