Play to win...
from upsetchaps
This is similar to pushlatency in HalfLife, defaults to 0 which is our suggested setting for online play. In Quake3 it is normally used for offline bot practice by using a positive value that is the same as average ping. However, a positive value can also be used to stabilize displayed frames with gameworld updates(snaps) and negative values are reported to adjust client side prediction.We strongly suggest you leave cl_timenudge at 0 for online play. However If you do wish to alter cl_timenudge to adjust client side prediction then try a negative value that is 25% to 50% of your average ping. Example if you are currently pinging 100 to the server then experiment with a setting between -25 to -50 as your cl_timenudge value. Note that if you are using a negative value for cl_timenudge the top graph in cg_lagometer may be mostly yellow.
A positive value may help if you have problems with gameworld updates (snaps) not being rendered in time. Try a small positive cl_timenudge value of 5,10,15 or 20 never higher. See cg_lagometer for an explanation of how to determine if gameworld updates are not being rendered in time.
Do not use a negative cl_timenudge if you are enabling cg_smoothclients.
Nudge, Ping and Lag discussion. Very informative.
You have been Kompressed : )
I'm sure that being relax and having a one day break should clear things out nicely! But still, I try to change my config only when I know there's something wrong with it, but I do my best to get comfortable with the one I have to avoid changing it. I always used the same binds since I started playing and I only changed some settings to get the more FPS possible but all thoses changes were made in one evening. So from there I got used to it. Oh, and you're not alone to be angry when you lose I feel I didn't give my best when I'm under the middle of the scoreboard, and I won't give it up until I reach the top 3. Also, try to moderate the impact of Quake 3 on your real and social life! No need to be depressed for that! We all now you kick asses Getting angry and thinking about that fact will just get you playing worst, so stop worrying that much, it's a game after all, you can't be in the first place everyday my friend
On my side, I know I can't play more than two or three games in a row, or my gameplay will be affected. I'll feel kinda like on radar, when about to sleep, and will just "wake up" when there's action.