Please install E+ v2.3...I already did that!
So about an hour ago, everything was running smoothly. I took off, came back for a bit again and this message just appears every time i try to get into a server: "please install Excessive + v2.3 to play on this server"...
I tried deleting the E+ folder and re-installing it, reinstall the entire game and e+ with no avail. I did change nothing i did nothing out of the ordinary..Any clues as of what might have happened? and/or how to fix this very annoying thing??
If someone could share some light on this mistery it would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
make sure you got the quake 3 version and not the open arena by mistake ->
remember it goes in quake folder not baseq3 .
ouch , idk what else. . try redo it from scratch but use another directory : if you use windows 7+ the game data saves in appdata location
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Quake III Arena

ouch , idk what else. . try redo it from scratch but use another directory : if you use windows 7+ the game data saves in appdata location
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Quake III Arena
that works for ioquake saving it there, normal quake stays everything within its own folder. mby he uses some link to the exe, should use normal exe n check, also try another cfg...

ouch , idk what else. . try redo it from scratch but use another directory : if you use windows 7+ the game data saves in appdata locationC:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Quake III Arena
that works for ioquake saving it there, normal quake stays everything within its own folder. mby he uses some link to the exe, should use normal exe n check, also try another cfg...
No, io has a different appdara directory called Quake3 in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Quake3 , regular quake 3 also makes it . My first reply up there is regular quake 3 appdata directory, but that has nothing to do with his problem just pointing out something incase hes new to it .
and USERNAME is your pc username , I changed min there

ouch , idk what else. . try redo it from scratch but use another directory : if you use windows 7+ the game data saves in appdata locationC:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Quake III Arena
that works for ioquake saving it there, normal quake stays everything within its own folder. mby he uses some link to the exe, should use normal exe n check, also try another cfg...
No, io has a different appdara directory called Quake3 in C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Quake3 , regular quake 3 also makes it . My first reply up there is regular quake 3 appdata directory, but that has nothing to do with his problem just pointing out something incase hes new to it .
and USERNAME is your pc username , I changed min there
wtf u totally wrong, only ioquake and quakelive saves shits in appdata, normal quake doesn't, plus i checked the folder u said for be sure and its EMPTY to me, who told u this stuff?
everyone else ive talked to have the same folder like I do . idk you probably on the wrong spot, if your regular quake 3 location is not in program files than it might not make it , but if it is then is gonna make it 100%. If is not than you disabled something on ur os .
Edit : I moved it outside program files and yes it didn't make anything on appdata

everyone else ive talked to have the same folder like I do . idk you probably on the wrong spot, if your regular quake 3 location is not in program files than it might not make it , but if it is then is gonna make it 100%. If is not than you disabled something on ur os .
Edit : I moved it outside program files and yes it didn't make anything on appdata
never had it in program files, but still idk what its supposed to create...what do u have in those folders? as i remember it depends by the .exe file not where u locate ur q3 folder...ain't making sense to me...mby everyone else u spoke with were using ioquake..
Both of you have right and both of you are wrong.
Type in console fs_ and click tab. Check if those variables you have set correctly.

Both of you have right and both of you are wrong.
Type in console fs_ and click tab. Check if those variables you have set correctly.
well i checked n seems all fine...but i don't get why is it wrong as u installing quake folders since 10 years almost, various mods, various point releases etc, had millions of q3 folders all over my pc partitions etc, never any of them made any folder anywhere, the only thing that was making folders in app was ioquake and quakelive ofc, coz different engines. now im thinkin of something, mby can be who installs the game got this? coz i never installed it, just i download it alredy extracted, but still sounds weird...dunno
Yep, I did download the correct files and added them to the quake folder. Other than that, every thing was fine an hour ago...
just back for a few games