Please welcome Nanamoon and Turbo in the Rank Mods team
good choice, GL!

Also I thought that maybe some people were scared by all the work that needed to be done.
You are forgetting that the private part of e+ is suposed to be private and only a selected few can enter.
Khz was already willing to do the part we now have 2 persons for... but he got kicked in the face xd think what you want but you are now a slave
GL with adding games.
i know its not the time and all other circumstainces, but ill ask anyway: isnt possible that everyone is going to put in ranking their games/scores? like 1v1 railmania - 2 players played their game they put their scores in topic and its done. maybe thats the good idea?

So instead of flame maybe you too, could join and add games in ranking.
Great i got what i wanted
Longer time ago i already said to you, what if i stop the trolling and join moderation team, you said that it could happen but other mods etc. ( people behind the scene ) need to agree.
You made poll for me in private and i got rejected, NP
Then SP told you he doesnt have time for ranking moderation anymore and suggested 2 persons to do that... ( i know cuz sp told me in private )
Rayden and me, we all saw and know how that ended...
So yes, i lost interest in doing something for e+ with an "official tag under my name" and i started with a small project wich is going great "community servers" all in all, its your loss and not mine
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I didn't got this part.
Khaz wasn't kicked in the face. He wanted to add games, he was available when he volunteered but time has passed and nothing happen internally. When we were finally ready to accept the new ppl he wasn't available anymore. It happens and wasn't his fault. Rank website was down alot of time, other ppl weren't available etc.
Nanamoon and Turbo are not slaves, they do this because they voluntered its not slavery they can go whenever they want. Plus Because of ppl like them you are still there playing your cw games and add them in ranking. So instead of flame maybe you too, could join and add games in ranking. E+ community is a volunteer work. I do volunteer work too, i could go too whenever i want. But i would like to keep a clean place here then go and leave it to death. What if all of the sudden every1 would go away and not do this volunteer work ?
Trolls and flames are not inoffensive if you think about, some ppl do take the words serious, and paths change.