Please WELCOME (WaspCryptor)
Please welcome Cryptor to the WASP Nation.
Cryptor is a USA player and a Q3 and E+ veteran. He is a former member of many great clans namely: OXF, PHC, WASP, FTF and BE.
Wasp2 will look to Cryptor and our other recently acquired veterans to help strengthen and polish the Mean WASP Machine.
Cryptor officially joined the Clan on Monday, 17 March.
WASP never sleeps and NEVER stops recruiting.
gl hf
Welcome Cryptor.
Welcome aboard.
gl & hf in your new home killa
Glad you're onboard the WASP machine. GL, have fun, and above all.................................................................frag lots.
welcome men ,
Go Go (WASP.) and (WASP2)
best wishes cryptor
Hehe, I know this is late, but thank you all for the very warm welcome. Hope to make good friends, brothas, and do a hell of alot of fragging. :twisted: :twisted: