Please welcome Xfactor
Please welcome Xfactor to the WASP family once more.
Xfactor (Nic) re-joins our Americas Division. He lives in the USA and has been playing Q3 and E+ for 3+ years and 2+ years respectively. Nic is a former member of PHC, Dvinsk, SD, and Wasp2.
Nic, please follow the Clan and Community rules, lead by example, have fun, and be a good Clan Mate and E+ Citizen.
Long Live WASP.
dude? how many members a day are u pulling in? just our of curiosity
Wellcome again X-Factor! Good Luck and frag the impulse ass please!!!

dude? how many members a day are u pulling in? just our of curiosity
It's a recruiting strategy, and it seems to work
Good luck X-Factor!
(Pitbull, just too lazy to log off.)
hm thanks "guys"
but to the little girl up there has to whine about everything just stfu bro.
i'm not whining...i just found it scary how hes pulling in new people like once a day...what ever hes doing is working...i wasn't trying to be mean or whining about how hes jacking people..i was congrading him on how good he was doing it
PHC, Dvinsk, SD, and Wasp2.
just SD.
glhf !
thats suck,I never saw him online:(
lol w.e. nix
dont cry <3
i kn0w u miss my immaturaty
hhehheeh sry mate,it have been my mistake...I thought Xilent :roll:
Thread cleaned up and re-opened.