posts getting deleted!
omg. i only remember one person who talks shit on public towards certain persons and has a damn passion to create 100500 teams - he-who-must-not-be-named o_O oh god. anyway, don't mind my paranoia.
(for those zaxs in their tanks: I J K)
@ultra i didnt mean leader of ref+ team i meant him being a ref and leader of his other 30 teams
k sorry, my bad!
ok now Donkey are not moderator of this topic, normaly you can post here
pfff, now no one wants for sure
This is what passes for objectivity here, so get used to it, even if you see some retards going on derp sprees and the mods ignoring them because they like standing above a campfire in a circle and shooting ejaculate into it while holding hands.
That my good man,made some pee come outta my willie. You can't help but to love the man ^^
illy is that yur pic xd ??- :
ofc not
is all in your imagination dude ;] u actually never posted anything ....
22:22:59 —› mode » ‹Q› sets ‹+o ShadyAK›
22:23:03 «@di[g]it» c:
22:24:04 «@snuskekatt» u know what im tired off?
22:24:12 «@di[g]it» me?
22:24:18 «@ShadyAK» "c:" ?
22:24:26 «@di[g]it» c:
22:24:36 «@snuskekatt» yes shady
22:24:37 «@ShadyAK» lack of sex due to florin being 2 countries away?
22:24:39 «@snuskekatt» bingo
22:24:47 «@snuskekatt» NO
22:24:48 «@di[g]it» OLOLOLOLOL
22:24:50 «@snuskekatt» no that
22:24:51 «@snuskekatt» first
22:25:00 «@zoot`» owned
22:25:03 «@di[g]it» c: wery
22:25:07 «@snuskekatt» no its not
22:25:09 «@snuskekatt» its boring
22:25:11 «@snuskekatt» and useless
22:25:14 «@Kyto» lack of weed
22:25:14 «@di[g]it» its a smiley
22:25:24 «@ShadyAK» thats how we embrace each other
22:25:27 «@ShadyAK» like
22:25:44 «@ShadyAK» digit: "sweet dee wery c:"
22:25:48 «@ShadyAK» shady "y )))"
22:25:50 «@di[g]it» we stole it from that faggot mexican and made it our own
22:25:53 «@ShadyAK» digit: c:
22:25:56 «@ShadyAK» tem c:
22:26:28 —› Delaying paste of ‹7› lines/‹264› bytes for ‹2› second( per line! Type /sp to stop!
22:26:28 «@ShadyAK» 20:03:00 «@shadyAK» need be that age cos managerial position in *****
22:26:30 «@ShadyAK» 20:03:18 «@rtz» i nearly hooked up with a milf the other day
22:26:32 «@ShadyAK» 20:03:21 «@rtz» at work
22:26:34 «@ShadyAK» 20:03:30 <totallynotmrflorin> milfs wery
22:26:36 «@ShadyAK» 20:03:34 «@shadyAK» y
22:26:38 «@ShadyAK» 20:03:34 «@rtz» y
22:26:39 «@di[g]it» its embrace and fu mexicunt wrapped into two characters
22:26:40 «@ShadyAK» 20:03:39 «@shadyAK» c:
22:26:40 —› Pasting finished after ‹12› seconds
22:26:56 «@zoot`» rofl
22:27:02 «@zoot`» why didnt he hook up with the milf?
22:27:04 «@ShadyAK» i dont really remember the mexicunt
22:27:10 «@ShadyAK» + i dont remember why he didnt
hi deface! long time no see braw
@ultra i didnt mean leader of ref+ team i meant him being a ref and leader of his other 30 teams