Problem with Nick tag in server to appeir in gametracker
Hello all quakers!
So, there is a little problem that I have in my server ranked in gametracker:
As you can see, the name of players are with strange letters...also simbols.
And how can I put thir real names there? i mean, to display them correctly with no bug ???
fox exaplme mine name is: *bc*d@rk@ngel in flash efect and with strenge simbols from xp qname program
and in gametracker my name it displays as ...ffl,dfx...., how can i modificat this?
Sorry for my bad english
force all players to use default q3 font for their nicks
just for stats use vsp for e+ it looks like here
e+ mod has a problem in returning the right names without dots for gametrackers .. (bug posted already here)
until easy+ will resolve the issue you could listen what the above guys said :roll:
hehe really? so there is no answer for this problem? i mean there is nothing what i can do lol
because i seen some servers, that have all perfect with this nicks,...and mine have this error in names
any idea?