proposition for beer and aim server ovners
Hello E+.
I play yesterday Single Player and now I start thinking why on AIM and BEER most popular freeze servrs on rotation we don't have DM15 and DM10. I think it's good map for freeze and will be funny to back to this maps.
Whu with me please post comment :twisted:
F2, imo they are to small if the server is full 7 v 7 / 8 v 8 in small area's isnt such good idear, there already is much spam
Nice Idea Nagi
for me it would not matther actually wich one (or both) Iff some map would we WAY 2 small 2 handel in FULL server then i guess its simpel as just removing the map at rotation ofc
sometimes game on that servers with 2-5 other players is uncomfortable (cuz of big maps). maybe admins can try to do python/bash or other lang script what will check player status on server (qstat program can be used) and will changing rotation.txt file when on server is 0 or less than 7 players to rotation.txt with smaller maps and vice versa when is more players :twisted:
or e+ developers give us FOR loop or requirement IF to rotation.txt
this is not quake live dear benedikt. beast would have to change the mod for that (if serverside would be possible), and what u are doing, if server gets full, while u play the map?
This is really pointless actually for public servers, especially for server which fill up so fast as beer or aim, 1 minute 5 players, 1 minute later 15 players. if u wanna realise ur suggestion, u have to limit than also the available slots for that map, so it can not become too full.
ontopic, nothing against that maps.
aim freeze server had such script for small and big rotation txt file, when there was less than 6 rotation was changed to list with smaller maps, etc...
once when Ive lost all files because of reinstall I was too lazy to write a new script & i didnt wanted for some reasons, i need better script.
good maps for 4v4 but public servers usually are full or empty, and i agree with Mow that they getting full very quick and sometimes lost population even quicker... but i'm still stand on the point with using scripts.
@Camel - get ur lazy azz in ur hands and plz at least remake old script
sometimes game on that servers with 2-5 other players is uncomfortable (cuz of big maps). maybe admins can try to do python/bash or other lang script what will check player status on server (qstat program can be used) and will changing rotation.txt file when on server is 0 or less than 7 players to rotation.txt with smaller maps and vice versa when is more players :twisted:
or e+ developers give us FOR loop or requirement IF to rotation.txt
This can be done in rotation if rotation.txt syntax changes and permits if else with custom cvars as i have proposed.
Add cpm4 it has nice bfg jump possibilities, big rooms + small corridors.
try it camel
dm 10 maybe is small but dm 15?? hmm i don't thin soo,
dm6,dm7,dm8 are similar or smaller then dm15 and you can fly around all map easier then dm15
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