Punk-Buster Update tool
Use this tool to update punk buster...un zip to pb folder in quake 3 then from the pb folder ckick on pbweb icon.... :roll: :twisted:
nope they made a new thingy. its windows program.. almost same shit as before..
this info should be usful for ppl having problems with it meybe stick that ?
pb new update system!!!! for all games
or on my homepage
It should be stickied, that way we can refer newbies to it more easily, its quite hard to explain it all, especily if the new plyer is bad at english.
wrote:http://www.punkbuster.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.phppb new update system!!!! for all games
or on my homepage
http://www.adler.excessiveplus.net/pb/index.htmVery nice Adler002 like that program..sould be easy for people to use.......Any way im going to start checking players on Deex-frag orgy with Punk-buster...only once in awhile ...its to hard to know if some o9ne using a hack program and Punk -buster pick it out better than i can
well done, if yo don't want it active all the time just run it whe it's full once in a while at least once every day you'll see ow many of them go down, also make sure to add cvar checks in case they don't have the gamehack loaded but still cvars are there.
i'll make this sticky
Btw maybe not bad to mention for ppl like me who are lazy to read and just dl the file and put it in pb folder DONT put it there hehe...clear out your current pb folder if u have one and put pbsetup.exe in his own new folder and then run it...
ok thx Alder..
Its WorK
Very nice Adler002 like that program..sould be easy for people to use.......Any way im going to start checking players on Deex-frag orgy with Punk-buster...only once in awhile ...its to hard to know if some o9ne using a hack program and Punk -buster pick it out better than i can
nothing is new under the sun