Punkbuster servers lag...
Ok so here it is... When I play on pb servers (especially cw or freezetag) it is always lagging but when I play on normal servers it don't (perfect ping). An example if I play on *TC* tdm, It won't lag but if I go on *TC* freeze (punkbuster) I lag a little, but it's annoying. Like if my moves were sliced (don't know how to say that)... Well it's slow and fast at the same time, it is so annoying. And since almost every good freeze servers are pb enable I must find a way to disrupt this... And my punkbuster is updated by the way.
Thank you all
yeah, you can stay spec while its scanning, thats what i usually do
Also if you are on a Euro server (I see you're from Canada) you may also like to try /reconnect as soon as you join the server and before PB starts scanning. It'll rid you of most of the jump-lags and weird delayed-fire glitches you tend to get with red and sometimes yellow ping on distant servers.
So if I go to spectator for 2 minutes (or more) will it scan, or I need to play and lag a bit before it ends ?