Q3 master server: ranking?
Hi, is there some sort of ranking system on the q3MasterServer?
Cause, when i start our server, it shows up quickly for about an hour (sometimes two) within the Q3-ingame-browser, than it disapears or shows up like 8 minutes after hiting refresh? But i see some server that are always on top of list or that show up quikly....
Any idea some1?
Lobotomie a.k.a POtadIC
it is done like this in q3 browser.it is supposed to show new servers on top for
about four hours.after that it droppes way down the list. there are some solution to trick this out. but it needs work on your side :
1/ set two different IP adresses to server and make them switch regularly during the day.( like HK FFA).
problem is that at the switch time some players ( those who are still connected ) are kicked out from server and have to reconnect to the other IP adress.
2/ run an application that retreives server info and swtiches port of IP adress to another one , only when server is empty. ( harder to do and needs a programmer). this is done on ringos or on some pay servers.
3/ pay your little brother to restart server manually every four hours. no, just kidding.
u dont need a second i ip, u just need a 2nd or 3rd port, and restart server with new port.
just restarting is not enough - depends what you really want from your server, but you can - just switch on when you intend to play yourself - this way you will get 3-4 hours of having a full server, after this time (probably be enough time playing without break) take half hour break - switch server off and come back in half hour - one hour and restart - your server will fill again.
think about things in 4 hour cycles.
3 and 1/2 hours on and 1/2 off and your server should attract players.
but being at the top of the ingame browser is only for a while after this time people will get to know your server its ip and cfg and will go play there regular no matter where on the list it is.
good luck
u dont need a second i ip, u just need a 2nd or 3rd port, and restart server with new port.
but if he is renting then other ports on machine might be in use already.
wrote:u dont need a second i ip, u just need a 2nd or 3rd port, and restart server with new port.but if he is renting then other ports on machine might be in use already.
there wont be 65535 servers trust me :}
wrote:wrote:u dont need a second i ip, u just need a 2nd or 3rd port, and restart server with new port.but if he is renting then other ports on machine might be in use already.
there wont be 65535 servers trust me :}
ahhh ok - sorry - i thought there was only 27960 through to 26970 in use by q3 - my mistake.
ahhh ok - sorry - i thought there was only 27960 through to 26970 in use by q3 - my mistake.
by default - yes
but who cares about defaults?
ok thanks a lot!
for the third option, i've tried to restart the server once in a while, like every 3-4 hours, but i dont works. looks like I have to wait a couples of hours before I can restart it and have it on top of list again.
Because I am renting the server, i'll have to pay for a second IP ,so...
Thx anyway, at least i know how it works.