Q3A Server on Linux HOWTO
2. February 2007 - 5:03
Q3A Server on Linux HOWTO
Quote:GJ, but its very hard for ppl who dont know basic knowlague linuxThanks, but it's an useless post, you know? I mentioned in the howto that knowledge about linux console is required...
Gosh, why are these users so foolish to add so many short, useless posts? Most of them are kinda 'yes' or 'agree', 'good job' etc... Sorry, but there's a difference between Forum and a Chat. Adding so much spam isn't the right way to become famous on such forum.
Sry for OT.
Good point, I'm happy to see that there are still some new reasonable polish players about, welcome to the forums Dom.
Nice howto.
Nagro - ze spamem można walczyć ,P
30. November 2007 - 23:42
Q3A Server on Linux HOWTO
Thanks man, thanks to following your tutorial i finally got my quake 3 excessive server working
Aiko RS i'm using a modified version of your tdm config now, hope you on't mind
26. December 2007 - 12:37
Q3A Server on Linux HOWTO
Thanks man