Quake 3 Crash (PunkBuster) SOLVED!
When I connect to a server with punkbuster enabled it crashes quake3 with this error:
AppName: quake3.exe AppVer: ModName: pbcl.dll
ModVer: Offset: 000807a5
In event viewer in Windows it says :
"Faulting application quake3.exe, version, faulting module pbcl.dll, version, fault address 0x000807a5.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp."
with event ID as 1000
It happens when I connect and after it says 0 Current Cvar Violations
I have reinstalled Punkbuster 3 times, Deleted quake 3 reinstalled, downloaded punkbuster again and installed, tried without punkbuster (which wont let me in ofc just says go to pb site to patch or whatever) I am at q3 version 1.32 point release.
Any Ideas ?
first time i hear for that error., but allways if i have problems with PB:
1 download pbsvc.exe
(run pbsvc.exe, first time u will be uninstall PB, next time u will install that PB)
2 than download pbsetup.exe, u can download HERE
(run pbsetup.exe, and click button add game. found game quake 3 arena and click on button check for updates)
thats all.
did you solved the problem kee ?

Yes, there was a process running in the background causing the error. Or something like that BioHazard was able to locate it. Thanks
tell bio to post the answer plz many people will find solution of that problem.. unless he didnt knew what he did *dam nublet
thankz kee

post the answer plz
F1 yep, post solution, that will be nice for ppl, who has same error.
Basically the error will be caused by a program running in the background or in the taskbar.. ex.. anti-virus.. some other program.. you get the idea.. anyways just uninstall the program or remove the process from startup
edit: to find out the exact exe file start a localhost server and enable punkbuster locally (/pb_sv_enable) and it will show what exe is making the game crash
just a tip: To check out whats booting in your computer when windows starts, type un run "msconfig" and go to STARTUP tab, youll find list of files that windows loads while starting (dont mess with it if you dont know what the file is for, ask before removing any file that you think is suspicious.)
if you use OS windows ofc.

Basically the error will be caused by a program running in the background or in the taskbar.. ex.. anti-virus.. some other program.. you get the idea.. anyways just uninstall the program or remove the process from startup
edit: to find out the exact exe file start a localhost server and enable punkbuster locally (/pb_sv_enable) and it will show what exe is making the game crash
i thought that was the problem

Basically the error will be caused by a program running in the background or in the taskbar.. ex.. anti-virus.. some other program.. you get the idea.. anyways just uninstall the program or remove the process from startupedit: to find out the exact exe file start a localhost server and enable punkbuster locally (/pb_sv_enable) and it will show what exe is making the game crash
i thought that was the problem
loading pb on localhost shows more details before the crash, and for a second will show the exe that causes the crash to happen
Tried that already
usually it fixes everything but not this time.
Thanks for the help though
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