Quake 3 on iPod Touch / iPhone
Check this out guys, I think it looks quite interesting.
and part 2 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=F19RwAzPaZU
Wonder if E+ would be possible? rail aim, jumping would be tough eh.
Wouldnt mind trying it out
ofc its possible , if they did the q3 engine to work on open gl|es and using the objective-c , using the correct libraries from iphone UIkit, .. then why not...
i'm developing on iphone for 2 week until now. Quake 3 its mostly on openGl (3d graphics) and openAl (3d surround) build on and some normal ansi c libraries for sockets, file system i/o and that's all that is needed.
Making connections ..
For an e+ to be played on that quake 3 probably only the vm files need to be translated & re-compiled in objective-c or it could be posibile that none of those things should be done .. now it depends how the vm files (the e+ core) is making the connections, because if the vm is relaying on a engine and is not relaying to some connections directly to the iphone core frameworks then it could also be posbile to play e+ without the need to recompile them
& btw the source code of q3 is on id software under the GPL licence http://www.idsoftware.com/business/idtech3/
so ... if someone has this from appstore .. try the e+ will ya? i'll search it too
mark my words mister! ........ i have no words for you
For an e+ to be played on that quake 3 probably only the vm files need to be translated & re-compiled in objective-c
It is not needed. VM stands for virtual machine, and as long as q3 engine is not fucked up, VM files always work.
Thats why mods are platform independent, all you need to play q3 on another OS is to rebuild the engine.
That's Great!
I can't wait to touch the iphone quake 3 icon :roll:
Flashing that Java around the C++'s MySQL library using only OpenGl
anyone made this work? i know some guys have e+ working for android but for iphone?