Quake III E+ War Manager
21. November 2009 - 5:06
Quake III E+ War Manager
Very nice!
Why not make some kind of an everlasting E+ ladder?
Clans comes and goes but ladder remains.
You surely have the skills to make this happen.
Just my 2 cents
If u need aid in PHP+MySql gimme a hollor!
I dont have the patience to give output a good look so design is not my cup of tea
23. November 2009 - 14:17
Quake III E+ War Manager
Nice, but still one question. I want to download it and test it personally, can i?
23. November 2009 - 21:51
Quake III E+ War Manager
Ok ok, im waiting I hope you will finish it soon and i could test it
25. November 2009 - 17:26
Quake III E+ War Manager
Ofc i want If i wouldnt, i wont spam here almost every day
as far i know, this IS in fact a full filter, that means you can filter the games in ANY possible way. for example you could search vs a team deathmatch clanwar that you won vs mr with comment "fuck you" and date 20.10.2009 20:25

and i have very big news for u: i have redone the stats system. you can now view stats for EVERY possible combination. for example you could watch how many funwar matches you lost vs mr. and you wont only get numbers, you will get nice animations like in normal stats
i will post a video to it later, its quite cool u will see
[code:1]~~~~~~~ FILTERED Clan statistics for S!Soul ~~~~~~~
+++ Clanwar Stats +++
*CWs: 1 (25%)
*CWs won: 0 (0%)
*CWs lost: 0 (0%)
*CWs not played: 1 (100%)
+++ Funwar Stats +++
*FWs: 3 (75%)
*FWs won: 2 (67%)
*FWs lost: 0 (0%)
*FWs not played: 1 (33%)
+++ Overall Stats +++
*Overall: 4 (100%)
*Overall won: 2 (50%)
*Overall lost: 0 (0%)
*Overall not played: 2 (50%)[/code:1]
NEW Video showing new statistics system!!
in this video you can see how the new statistics work and how i posted them in this thread
watch in HD pls^^
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