Quake Map Live View Fun

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010

https://lvlworld.com/ has a live view map feature now. You can load quake 3 maps in your browser and it doesn't require a installation. It work with every map they have on the database.


Anyways I have a few maps on there since the dawn of time. So I figured i would plug them.
This is an experimental map I made which I huge and should give you a bit of fun just to explore it. http://lvl.quake.games/?map%20xp-wwands&set%20sv_dlRate%201000&set%20cl_returnURL%20https://lvlworld.com/download/id:2173

This is a map I made with Ali (from ZOo). I consider it a more "balanced" typical quake map.

Feel free to link maps in this topic that you think are cool but you don't see on severs much.

This really is a great way to explore maps before deciding to add them to a sever.

beazt's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Quake Map Live View Fun

Good idea with dat quake live map explorer. It works almost well. I checked both linked maps but to be honest, I don't like them. The second1 is better than first1, but it still missing something. And I don't like used textures (both maps). I feel uncomfortable on dat places, sorry.

Apple Mac mini M4 + Apple Magic Keyboard + Logitech G603

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Quake Map Live View Fun

Yea I made them about ten years ago. I never said they were good. Tongue
Feel free to link some maps you like however. Happy

Joined: Mar 2010
Re: Quake Map Live View Fun

Really cool, but loading both maps has unloaded textures. Is that expected? Did you use custom textures?

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Quake Map Live View Fun

When you open the map textures are downloaded and loaded in. If your connection is slow then it may take a a little while to download the textures while you are in the map hence missing textures until you download them. For me is take about 10 secs and my connection is only about 70Mbps.

Although on the second map I posted I did notice a shader issues so its not perfect. But it seem to deal with 95% of the map content fine.

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Quake Map Live View Fun

Some more cool maps to better show this off.

This time some ones I didn't make. As I'm not entirely shameless.

This one is graphically quite pretty. not sure if it would play very good however.

This one is pretty cool looking as well. Its fun to revisit these maps even if you don't necessary play them. Being able to walk around them like this evokes memories.

http://lvl.quake.games/?map%20lffd&set%20sv_dlRate%201000&set%20cl_returnURL%20https://lvlworld.com/download/id:2199This one is also quite good looking and is potentially the only map that I've linked that is actually fun to play.

beazt's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Quake Map Live View Fun

Yea I made them about ten years ago. I never said they were good. Tongue
Feel free to link some maps you like however. Happy

I like plus or ++ versions of original q3dm maps for example. I like variability on the maps. Complicated passages with small rooms and long chambers and with one or two big areas. A lot of "new" maps is simply built as mix of huge rooms and outdoors. Its boring for me.
I understand that someone, who play this game a lot of years is bored of this and need to see something new. But I returned back here because of those great maps, fun and people.

Apple Mac mini M4 + Apple Magic Keyboard + Logitech G603