quake powers down pc (solved)
i've been on holiday for 10 days, today.
came back, tried quake after a while, cpu powered down (in a state, where nothing worked, including the power button and reboot button)
so when i turned it off, then back on (by the plug)
i tried quake again, almost straight away, but this time online
same thing..
anybody have any ideas?
This might sound stupid, but check your multiplug adaptor, and all the plugs and cables are in firmly.
agree with reno.
if don't work....
1st: perform a memory check.
2nd: do an antivirus-malware check running the OS on safe-mode..
don't think it's q3 related.
maybe overheating safety feature... clean out your pc. have you tried something else that uses your graphics card intensely?
i remember you had this spike problem earlier and now it seems to be worse. i bet its your graphiccard that causes these problems.
i think accurun was right, and you graphiccard is damaged. either to overheating or a broken part on it.
open up your pc and hoover it
check the HD cable is plugged in securely (not loose) i had a problem for weeks until i opened up the pc and checked this. Basically clean up the inside of your pc including fans and unplug and plug everything back in. helped me in the past. gl
i'd recommend downloading the following programs:
a) adaware (do a full scan)
spybot (do a full scan)
c) AVG Anti Virus (do a full scan)
but still i reckon its a dodgy harddrive connection, unplug it and check the metal holes in the cables are not loose. good luck
also, my internet seems to be slow, so i started a scan.. picked up 87 threats in 1min 40s lol
What porn sites you visit
yeah, plugs and leads were first thing i tried, they're all in fine
could it be my graphics card?
it'd make sense why only quake would power it down
also i just booted up and had a few spikes on my screen
and just another as i was typing