Quake3 Stargates Source Files by Camel-XP
That looks good. Really! But I've read that rarely good looking maps are playable. Somebody who uses "r_picmip" won't even see all the beautiful details that you've created. And long monotonous underground corridors, as well as multiple triggers, are good in the "single player" mod, but not in a hot and tactic battle in CTF.
Maybe this project will be good in a single campaign, meanwhile I doubt that it will be popular in multiplayer.
Please, don't think that I want to hurt you. No! I think that you've made a great project.
So the map is finished to play normal CTF?
i love the map and the project!
esp. the small courtyard with the pool endin in a waterfall! (Y)
wrote:So the map is finished to play normal CTF?Maybe I will make 2 versions of the map, one with default stargates that cane be open at any time and auto closed, with the shield and all the other features as ring transporter teleports and second one with stargates always opened without the shield and no other features like rings and no cloasable passages all wide open
But this one is finished or not? this version have all the files like rings and such to play in gametype CTF?
Camel how about a fragfest CTf on this map? will be more then 6v6 but will be alot of fun i think
Whats the max spawns on it? What do you think?
I keep hearing about this singleplayer mode only, I know this isnt a conventional map because its not, its build specially for the CTF gametype and map is designed to contain various number of passages to let you sneak up for the flag from one entrance and run out by multiple other ones, with combination of other team mates from your team and good timing, you can run out, pass the stargates and safelly deploy the flag in your own base.
Because the map is so big, it got its purpose, imagine only 1 or 2 passages to and from the stargates room heavilly guarded by the opponents, then its impossible for anyone to go thru with the flag.
The map is build mostly for the team tactic, one group is attacking the base, stealing flag while second group cover up the gates and open them in the proper time and protect the carrier and own base at the other side.
I wish I could display it better, but I would need highly professional team of players to play with it and let record all their actions in one nice tactic movie for the stargates map design
I expect 6v6 atleast for such a map, that would be fun to watch and interesting to play
About the beauty of the map and picmip, I plan to attach into the pk3 small cfg with all the settings to allow execute it in your own cfg and make all at high performance, just to demonstrate for others that do not know any other commands as picmip.