quakelive settings
people were asking for a cfg that emulates gameplay on ql, i spent over an hour trawling through different sites to find settings, but no joy
If anyone knows any of the settings, weapon/spawning timings, damage, armour etc, could they post here, maybe it can build up the pieces (like a jigsaw) to get this cfg up and running.
will be cool kick in ql ass ;D at e+ ql copy
yesterday kris sent me a ql.cfg for edawn, i have finished translating this cfg to e+ 2.1 cfg sys, but i need some info, and ofc cfg should be tested.
so cheer up
i wanna try it too! :]
so for testing purposes add me also to the party
np, you will. just wait a little i discovered some flaw, so i must fix it and then i'll post cfg here, on forum, in separate thread like it was with cpma.cfg from ratsalad. also, would be good if some ppl having premium/pro accs on qlive posted some details about ftag, like ammo limits (especially for lg and rl) and if there is a full health/armor/ammo restore upon round end, and about special settings on certain maps, like different mega respawn time on pro-qtourney4, etc. typical values of fraglimits/roundlimits/timelimts for each gametype would be appreciated as well if posted.
well about items i can say its pretty easy :
all armours (yellow,red, green) respawn at 25 sec
mega respawns in 35 sec except pro-qztourney4 or pro-qztourney7 where they respawn each 2 minutes.
the healths & shards respawn at 25 sec
yellow armor gives 50 armor
red armor gives 100 armor
green armor gives 25 armor
weapons respawn faster like every 2-3 sec in duel and in tdm/ftag they respawn a bit harder some1 should tell more precise.
rocket launcher max limit is 25 rockets for duel.
lg max limit is 150 for duel.
i think the quad is 3x normal.
i want also to add:
Team Deathmatch Weapon Balancing:Machineguns and Shotguns both now do 4 damage per bullet in Team Deathmatch to reduce their dominance.
epsi, edawn cfg already has all you specified, i just would like to be sure about certain settings if they're up-to-date and about some new settings that might appear after cfg had been released (edawn cfg release date is 17th July 2010, it's prettly old).
weapons respawn faster like every 2-3 sec in duel and in tdm/ftag they respawn a bit harder some1 should tell more precise.
no, it's 5 secs for duel, and it can easily be seen online. hm, that should be checked
some details about ftag
different mega respawn time on pro-qtourney4
i know mega has different respawn time there, i meant that there also might be other maps with different mega respawn
thanx for your link too
beta is here:
Here is an updated version of the edawn version of the ql config.
Download: Full - ql.cfg
Fixed lot of incorrect values and maps like q3dm13, hub3aeroq3 and pro-q3tourney7 now match their QL counterparts in duel (items on maps etc). Convert it if you like, although I highly suggest just playing it in edawn instead (as lot of features are not possible in e+).
ahh cool, look forward to seeing what develops. I have the ql maps as well for q3a if you want/need these for testing cfg on pm me.
btw, what info you still need?