quick clan question!
is it possible for me to join a clan, only for playing on a Cup ? ( srsly wnna play on the tdm league, if there is one !
example. long time ago i think Marcus being in KO, played some wars with Mr. ??
this is due to Dvinsk being inactive.
thx in advance
marcus always was in one clan at one time, never multiclanning.
depending on the config you could play without leaving dvinsk, but if dvinsk is inactive you might leave dvinsk for the period of the cup.
or I would say, if dvsink doesn't play tdm at all and will not, u may go elsewhere. That's how I see things.
But actually on e+ only when clan has difference config-like (plus, railonly, e5) then yes.
Already suggested to make a GOOD system for this but it needs clandatabase supporting clan/wars/event management management.
wrote:marcus always was in one clan at one time, never multiclanning.thats why i wrote question marks ! hehe.btw i need a ranking moderator to give me a solution ! since i dont wanna affect the clan or myself.
get out of dvinsk clan and join another one to play in that cup
and later you just back to dvinks...but why not recruit more players for dvinks and join with it into a cup?
thats why i wrote question marks ! hehe.btw i need a ranking moderator to give me a solution ! since i dont wanna affect the clan or myself.