®R.C.A.L # 1 // sNeAkY 2 : 1 pTs // 09.03.2014
.:: 1st map: pro-q3dm6 (pTs's map) ::.
22 - 11
.:: 2nd map: overkill (sNeAkY's map) ::.
08 - 15
.:: 3rd map: 6++ (tie map) ::.
27 - 06
.:: Gametype: CA 3v3 4v4 5v5 ::.
.:: Timelimit: 15 ::.
.:: Fraglimit: 0 ::.
.:: FriendlyFire: 0 ::.
.:: Config: r4eCA.cfg ::.
.:: Pure: Enabled ::.
.:: Punkbuster: Enabled ::.
.:: Server: MU * WAR SERVER ::.
.:: Ref+: ::.
hahahahahahahahaha we won overkill hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
gg all
nice sneaky
3 v 3
4v4 or more
4v4 or more
means now we can play overkill as 4vs4 map ?
gg,too bad for overkill i go cut myself...
it was just a stupid decision to pick 6++ as we are not really strong in that. DM6 and 6++ are closely tied together. So in that regard, yeah Sneaky can have their win on those 2 map . But looking at how we performed on overkill it was just obvious that we would perform better on a different map except dm6, it's not really my favorite map anyway. I like 6++ though on public servers.
GG all, surprised that SB lost a map lol, but must've been great performance from pTs on overkill, so congratz on that
Oh, and it was played early on Sunday. Eh, If it was played around 19,20 CET, a weird doubt of mine would've been answered . Well, that's life
Edit: After writing the last sentence, I've noticed something strange. Might be stupid question with some obvious explanation but still, enlighten me: How come, the time during which this game was played is around 21CET, 9th of March(you can see that on the screenshots), and the time of Milena's first post in this thread to be 16CET, 9th or March? Time machine or simple obvious explanation?
Edit 2: Thinking about it, it can be explained if the screenshots are made by someone who lives in mid or eastern Russia, in a time zone that differs 6-7 hours from the CET zone, but the screenshots are made by Milena, as can be seen by the highlighted name on the pictures, and as far as I know, Milena lives in Serbia(unless she has moved to Shanghai or maybe some trip to the far east?). That could explain it, but still, I'm still surrounded by question marks
great job pTs we could have won if we played different map than nub dm6 6++ xD Next time don't pick map that don't suit us well to play extremely great like Overkill
and yeah sneakys did great job also, strong clan to fight, but life is life and win is win, we both did our work and we lost but we could play other time, see if things went different.
muahaha it's funny how sneaky lost on the map where milena played , and won on both maps where milena didn't play.
Yes, so you can have hope that you can win CW and then lose with deference of 21 on tie, hahahahahahahhahahahahahaha! We won, dear, as always, just look when thread is made!

P.S. Or maybe you think you will get rank points or change cup winner with won overkill?