Radio chat and special letters
5. August 2007 - 10:42
Hi there!
I got a problem with the radio chat taunts. Well they work great, but if i put some special letters from e+ in the taunt, he still says it, but there are just some dots in the chat. I can just use ^1,2... but no special thinks like alpha, or these letters from e+.
Hope you can help me.
5. August 2007 - 11:10
Radio chat and special letters
+v#+t#+f# +u#+i#+f# +t#+f#+b#+s#+d#+i# +c#+v#+u#+u#+p#+m#
5. August 2007 - 11:32
Radio chat and special letters
Use those instead of pasting special chars. The trick is that the letter you use this way will be one letter forward in the alphabet.
For example:
say +o#+p#^2, ^g+z#+v#+p#^2!
Would print "No Yuo!" in extended chars.
5. August 2007 - 11:44
Radio chat and special letters
Ah ok thats a little confusing butI think ill get it. And thinks like fade doesnt work?
nope, coloration of this 'special' letters dont work either
what do you mean with that?