Radio Commands?
Hey Where can i find the radio commands for e+?
Have searched my whole q3 folder just find it for UT
But n oradio commands for q3, tried to copy the ones from Ut but it didnt work...
Is It In the cfg maby? nope searched there...
hi Neowolf!
Glad to see you in the community now
I had some problems looking for Radio Commands, you must search the Pak 0 file I think, I know it is a Pak file...
you must extract you pk0 file! there you find these sounds!
ok here one example to bind these sounds:
bind F2 "say &tap_sneakybastard.wav YOU SNEAKY BASTARD!!!"
hope i could help a bit

you must extract you pk0 file! there you find these sounds!
Timm, you don't have to! PAK files are in fact ZIP archives with no compression. If you have WindowsCommander (or after change of name TotalCommander) you can easily browse PAK file as if it was a ZIP. Just select for example pak0.pk3, tap 'enter' and voila - you are inside pak. You can browse the folders inside and even use combination ctrl+q to preview contents of any file in the other pane of TotalCommander. You can also create PAKs easily with TC - just select files you want in the PAK and press ALT+F5 --> on the right side of dialog box that pops up you will find the packer options --> choose ZIP, press "Configure" button --> in the options dialog choose "other" and enter "0" in the text box (no compression). After the ZIP is created, just change it's extension to pk3. You can also add files to PAK - simply open the PAK in one pane, switch to the other pane, select files you want to place inside PAK and simply copy them! But be warned - for pak0 it can take quite long time. :roll:
all an lots of work i have the read txt as are intrested than ask me
I Bow to u my noble warriors!
Naaah not realy, but THx very much for the Help!
Gonna give it a shot Cya on teh servers then u´ll know if i got it right!