®Rail // Ebashu 2:1 GKS
.:: 15.06.2010 Ebashu 2:1 GKS
.:: 1st (Ebashu's map) q3dm17: 64-52 for Ebashu
.:: 2nd (GKS's map) q3dm3: 32-28 for GKS
.:: 3rd (tie map) hub3aeroq3: 23-14 for Ebashu
.:: Gametype: Tournament
.:: Timelimit: 7
.:: Fraglimit: 0
.:: Pure: Enabled
.:: Punkbuster: Enabled
.:: Config: r4e & Banana
.:: Server: Terrorland
.:: Referee: FPS
gg both
Nocomment this one. Just normal player vs extreme lager. You can see the result...

Nocomment this one. Just normal player vs extreme lager. You can see the result...
If you write 'no comment' first, then shut your mouth and don't write anything after...
You lost because of your aim and because of your nerves. Him lagging caused just a little part of your loss.
Learn to lose with honor.
Equi, sorry we don't know eachother personally.
I really would like to meet you, I've heard many good things
about your person, your skillz etc.
But to be honest on forums you act like and arogant asshole,
using any ocassion to diss someone or just insult.
Kinda reminds me impius's style.
Try to be more gentle It's just a game, not only adult
people play e+, mostly are kids, and they behavie like kids.

Equi, sorry we don't know eachother personally.
I really would like to meet you, I've heard many good things
about your person, your skillz etc.
But to be honest on forums you act like and arogant asshole,
using any ocassion to diss someone or just insult.
Kinda reminds me impius's style.
Try to be more gentleIt's just a game, not only adult
people play e+, mostly are kids, and they behavie like kids.
For some it might sound like an arrogant asshole, for others like the truth. I personally hope that the last message sounds like a message from an arrogant person which has some kind of truth in it and which truth will lead to a little change in behavoir of the person the message directed to . I've known a lot of kinds in my E+ carrier, there are as many sorts of kids as there are adults. But I respect your oppinion and agree that I should be less harsh.
hehe nature))) mb next time u win:) heh
Exactly equi, less harsh pls
Good job, my teammate!
gg ebashu!