®RAIL // hazo 2:1 Rayden // 22.06.2010

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HAZO's picture
Joined: Sep 2007
RU Russian Federation

22.06.2010 hazo 2:1 Rayden

1st (hazo's map) q3dm17: 49-42 for Rayden

2nd (Raydenl's map) q3dm1: 43-27 for hazo

3rd (tie map) hub3aeroq3: 32-27 for hazo

Timelimit: 7

Fraglimit: 0

Pure: Enabled

Punkbuster: Enabled

Referee: Terror
Server: [!B@N@N@] Freeze Tag RAILONLY (gayland)

Config: no idea

Thx for game Rayden. Dm17 was epic, I was leading whole map like +10 but last 2 minutes I lost concentration and aim and U did nice comeback. Tie was rather close, new map for me (nice map btw for 1vs1). GL in future.

Thx for ref and server Gayrror!

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!@#$%&*( terror )_
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Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: RAIL // hazo 2:1 Rayden // 22.06.2010


Rayden was here
georgekotz's picture
Joined: May 2010
GR Greece
Re: RAIL // hazo 2:1 Rayden // 22.06.2010

It was very cool match it was my first time playing in a tourney like this. I played with terror, blackfx, and hazo. Iam of the tounrey now but in the future i will come back better i believe for more action. Thanks everyone for this games. See you next time!!!

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!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: RAIL // hazo 2:1 Rayden // 22.06.2010

Hey, I watched you playing vs hazo.
Seems like u don't wear headphones or have no sound at all Happy
Sound is very important while playing 1v1.

HAZO's picture
Joined: Sep 2007
RU Russian Federation
Re: RAIL // hazo 2:1 Rayden // 22.06.2010

oh c'mon Ter don't be nurd. on small or open maps sound is not so important. I had sound but from speakers and with mp3 on backgorund and as U see I won and almost won U on mkexp Happy

Ufasas's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: RAIL // hazo 2:1 Rayden // 22.06.2010

In 3rd try u finally win ) its good Happy

I would teach you how to play, but I don't know myself!
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