®Rail // Tr1ckz 2:0 Rosomak // 17.06.2010
.:: Game for RailOnly League vol.1 Group Stage I.
.:: 17.06.2010 Tr1ckz 2:0 Rosomak
.:: 1st (Rosomak's map) q3dm1: 35-33 for Tr1ckz
.:: 2nd (Tr1ckz's map) q3dm17: 66-30 for Tr1ckz
.:: Gametype: Tournament
.:: Timelimit: 7
.:: Fraglimit: 0
.:: Pure: Enabled
.:: Punkbuster: Enabled
.:: Config: r4e09f.cfg
.:: Referee: Atrax
.:: Server: R2 Server
GG. dm1 was insane xD till last seconds we were chasing eachother i just wish that every 1v1 would looks like this one
last frags till last seconds, and what can i say more. atmosphere of game was just great
i dont need anything else
thanks for game Rosomak, hope to meet u soon on servers
Nice game
GG Trickz
good game
gg: dm1 lol game
dm1 very very very verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry high andrenaline game and verrrrrrry nice game xP
Goood game maty