Rail = wonder wpn

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InsaneKid's picture
Joined: May 2007

The game/conf would be much! better,
if the railGun was a bit! less effective!
It is like a magical stick,
and some ppl also use it like that!

No other game has such a wpn,
that beats everythin:
even a healthStatus of 1000 percent!

esp. on huge maps like "lun3dm1x2"
this is very frustratin ...
coz other wpns have no use
coz of the wideness of the rooms!

its just UNWISE!

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
NL Netherlands
Re: Rail = wonder wpn


japierdole's picture
Joined: Jan 2012
GB United Kingdom
Re: Rail = wonder wpn

make mg stronger and we will use it like on e5

And even I walk through the darkest valley of the shadow of death I will be not afraid because I am the worst motherfucker in this place.

Joinz's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Re: Rail = wonder wpn

instarail is the main reason i like e+
second reason is the speed u can gain with grenades and bfg and generally cpma-like movement otherwise i could play railonly all the time.
imo its just your specific (very unique) gamestyle that doesn't fit to a powerful rail. you never really adopted to it and as long as you're content with it its no problem, but maybe you should try to focus on the rail a little more instead of changing the whole mod.

another option is that we try to revive some old cfg such as e5/e6 whatever. but i personally only like e5r cuz rail is almost insta Winking

andyrocket's picture
Joined: May 2011
Re: Rail = wonder wpn

"Can you see this light between us?" (c) Nikola Tesla

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Rail = wonder wpn
eu.jeff wrote:


hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Rail = wonder wpn

I agree, but if YOU REMOVE BFG from this game! A weapon that blast every projectiles coming and throw grenades in addition shouldn't exists or should be hardly reachable!
(what more? a BFG throwing rockets AND plasma everywhere? tss tss)

And CPMA is DEAD or works only on lan/direct ip.

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: Rail = wonder wpn
RIX!·SOUL· wrote:

instarail is the main reason i like e+
second reason is the speed u can gain with grenades and bfg and generally cpma-like movement otherwise i could play railonly all the time.
imo its just your specific (very unique) gamestyle that doesn't fit to a powerful rail. you never really adopted to it and as long as you're content with it its no problem, but maybe you should try to focus on the rail a little more instead of changing the whole mod.

another option is that we try to revive some old cfg such as e5/e6 whatever. but i personally only like e5r cuz rail is almost insta Winking

Dunno much about insanekid's style but as u described it i would recommend him to join some railonly team/clan and focus on it for couple weeks, after that come back to plusN.
When I came to e+ I had it easier because I came from railonly mod. I adapted quite fast, because railgun was always the most important and favorite weapon.

xvibenedykt's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
PL Poland
Re: Rail = wonder wpn

go play e5 Tongue

Joinz's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Re: Rail = wonder wpn
!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

Dunno much about insanekid's style but as u described it i would recommend him to join some railonly team/clan and focus on it for couple weeks, after that come back to plusN.
When I came to e+ I had it easier because I came from railonly mod. I adapted quite fast, because railgun was always the most important and favorite weapon.

i came from osp clan arena and literally years of single player games (forever alone style) before that and always focused on rail a lot so i had a similarly easy entrance to e+

you can imagine kids style a bit like Ali's but less jumpy with very high sens and a lot of weapon switching.
i can understand that kid is uncontent with the strong rail, but imo its a key factor of this mod, complaining about the instarail (same for the bfg btw) is kinda like complaining about the mod itself. sooo ur idea is actually not a bad one, or Kid, simply play a bit on public railonly servers like ERAs QLinsta.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Rail = wonder wpn

main problem of kiddo is that he doesn't understand its impossible to be good with a damnit old ballmouse.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."