RailCA grand final: when can you play?

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ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006

Hello) When can y'all play?

We can't play on thursday cos funnyb, friday cos friday and saturday cos weekend. Is sunday allright?

Also (Zack/AIDS please halp explaining why this is important): The current tie map rule is broken at the moment as there is an even number of them in the list.

Let's agree to drop a map pre-game from the 3v3 and 4v4 list since it's just drop-drop, otherwise one clan gets to drop 2 maps and another 1 based on chance. ("winner of first map in a 1-1 situation drops twice"? whoever made that rule should be banished from hosting tournaments for all eternity). This way in case of a tie map being needed, things will go smoother).


nonsense repellent declamatory

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: RailCA grand final: when can you play?

1. Maybe we can try play some week day also (if not then sunday). Maybe for example try wednesday or thursday?
2. Am I wrong or you talk about "tie map" and "final"? o0

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: RailCA grand final: when can you play?

I can't play thursday cos funnyb has a QuakeSM match on thursday. Wednesday I dunno COS:I want to see how this config plays in an actual game and try it on a server before arranging the match with the only other pre-tourney favourite.

2) Tie maps: ask ASD, he understands what I was trying to imply (me and him just spoke about it). It's an ammendment to Jeff's rule that will make things more fair, that's all.


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zarzyn's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: RailCA grand final: when can you play?

Cup is finish after 2 round. Love struck Gl both


alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: RailCA grand final: when can you play?
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

I can't play thursday cos funnyb has a QuakeSM match on thursday. Wednesday I dunno COS:I want to see how this config plays in an actual game and try it on a server before arranging the match with the only other pre-tourney favourite.

2) Tie maps: ask ASD, he understands what I was trying to imply (me and him just spoke about it). It's an ammendment to Jeff's rule that will make things more fair, that's all.

I am not sure that you talked with my mate about "how you will win us a map, so tie map will come". Yesterdays night everybody had huge problems, because this crappy website always stop to work in worst moments. So I really suggest that we should try tuesday or wednesday and not to play it on last moment, no need for that...

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: RailCA grand final: when can you play?

On tuesday Empish (funnyb's friend and clanmate) is playing QuakeSM live on stream. http://www.quakesm.se/results3.jpg <

Wednesday can't.

And Sunday will be fine: even if excessive website is down, the Br and sneaky members can communicate with each other without problems - we all use other programs on top of E+ site to communicate. All we need to know is the IP and the match is live)

I am not sure that you talked with my mate about "how you will win us a map, so tie map will come".

What? The tie map is not a certainty Surprise but a mere hypothetical. I just pointed out that in case of one, there's a nuisance that needs to be and could be fixed by a simple pre-game agreement, that's all. I think it's just better if I communicate directly with someone else from your team in regards to this issue (and to be honest, any other issue), as I'm finding this breakdown of communications extremely frustrating.


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alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: RailCA grand final: when can you play?
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

On tuesday Empish (funnyb's friend and clanmate) is playing QuakeSM live on stream. http://www.quakesm.se/results3.jpg <

Wednesday can't.

And Sunday will be fine: even if excessive website is down, the Br and sneaky members can communicate with each other without problems - we all use other programs on top of E+ site to communicate. All we need to know is the IP and the match is live)

I am not sure that you talked with my mate about "how you will win us a map, so tie map will come".

What? The tie map is not a certainty Surprise but a mere hypothetical. I just pointed out that in case of one, there's a nuisance that needs to be and could be fixed by a simple pre-game agreement, that's all. I think it's just better if I communicate directly with someone else from your team in regards to this issue (and to be honest, any other issue), as I'm finding this breakdown of communications extremely frustrating.

You want to say me that from 7 days in week you can play only 1 day (the last one)? Stop repeat me on every suggestion "funnyb, funnyb, tralalaa", it's not funny! Confused
We will play vs you as with any other clan, without some special treatment or benefits for anyone. We still don't know which map we will take and we kinda don't care (I already said what I think about maps in main thread - this map system is retarded same as his maker).

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: RailCA grand final: when can you play?

Sorry, I must say that such info as

On tuesday Empish (funnyb's friend and clanmate) is playing QuakeSM live on stream. http://www.quakesm.se/results3.jpg <

which exactly is

some of my clanmate's friend playing some cup noone here gives a shit and that's a reason we can't play

shouldn't work.

I'm not sure we will be able to play sunday at least with the squad we would like too, so giving us some dates on weekdays would be nice.

.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

Let's agree to drop a map pre-game from the 3v3 and 4v4 list since it's just drop-drop, otherwise one clan gets to drop 2 maps and another 1 based on chance. ("winner of first map in a 1-1 situation drops twice"? whoever made that rule should be banished from hosting tournaments for all eternity). This way in case of a tie map being needed, things will go smoother).

This must be a nice idea, I agree. Don't listen alienM, she understands nothing lol xD

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: RailCA grand final: when can you play?
JUMPS'FPS! wrote:

some of my clanmate's friend playing some cup noone here gives a shit and that's a reason we can't play

shouldn't work.

I'm not sure we will be able to play sunday at least with the squad we would like too, so giving us some dates on weekdays would be nice.

So Temy...?

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: RailCA grand final: when can you play?

All's been sorted on IRC through Zak, Aids and FPS (match date, tie map issue and the soup of the day which will be Gazpacho on the corresponding match date). See y'all then.


nonsense repellent declamatory

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: RailCA grand final: when can you play?
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

All's been sorted on IRC through Zak, Aids and FPS (match date, tie map issue and the soup of the day which will be Gazpacho on the corresponding match date). See y'all then.

You forgot to say that day for match which we agree is next monday!