railmania.cfg | v2.0

NOTHING NEW INTRESTING THINGS IN THE CFG:::::gl to make it popular...
Spawn protection time changed, 70% things about Freeze settings, 50% things about Railgun settings, and some more... Try old, and then load this one new, you will notice huge deference I think, because all did...
Master of cfg`s I hope that working:D When can i try this awesome much diffrend cfg ?
that is it... not important to talk about who from this cfg and server was the first here...
Just Show Time

that is it... not intrested to talk about who from this cfg and server was the first here...
?? bad day ??
Concider this asphyx: people don't care which was first, people care which one is better.

that is it... not intrested to talk about who from this cfg and server was the first here...?? bad day ??
Concider this asphyx: people don't care which was first, people care which one is better.
no bad day terror..i meant only. you have right by your last statement..
milena, plz, edit your cfg so that armors wouldn't reset after each round on ftag
I said cfg made 8. january, before even BC created clan in our clandb and more then 1 month before Banana server and 2 month before bananarail.cfg. But bananarail.cfg is good, too. This is friendly community, I am fine with bananrail.cfg, I play it on cups and war, too, so we are all friendly and happy... marry xmas!