RailR.cfg | v1
I present to you a NEW CFG (RailOnly), which was named "RailR.cfg v1".
You can tell that this cfg is the same as railmania or bananarail.
Yes, indeed there are some similarities.
The similarities: same set weapons, strikes rail only.
- Multi Jumps = 3 (railmania and bananarail = 4);
- Railgun-Cycle = 1100 (railmania and bananarail = 800);
- Weapon BFG knock back only from the angles (as in plusN.cfg);
and many more...
I want to assure you that this cfg is somewhat more complicated, but it is more convenient and more accurate, on It is well to play clan wars!
Huge of the request to add RailR.cfg v1 on War Servers!
P.S.: I'll be happy, if in our community will be a man, having desire to and able to create a server with this config, that would could all to play!
But how rail on yr picture has to do with railgun rail?
this going to be very popular cfg :}}}}}}}}}
Don't neglect it, if he's not so old in our community..
He done a nice cfg!
Well done Bopoh. i hope your cfg would be played and liked by every1
And i like the idea with those images!
after bananafail and failmania, another fail is here ,yeeey

after bananafail and failmania, another fail is here ,yeeey
hi jhonny railmania/bananarail wherent a fail
QLinsta its a failS***

after bananafail and failmania, another fail is here ,yeeeyhi jhonny
railmania/bananarail wherent a fail
QLinsta its a failS***
oh rly? and why are servers with the 2 of the mentioned always empty and qlinsta server always has people playing?

after bananafail and failmania, another fail is here ,yeeeyhi jhonny
railmania/bananarail wherent a fail
QLinsta its a failS***
oh rly? and why are servers with the 2 of the mentioned always empty and qlinsta server always has people playing?
bcuz its new cfg, i preffer rr than that cfg
akasha your oppinion is not the voice of e+
good job bopoh.
best cfg ever is r4e!!! remember that!
secondplace is QL instagib + railjump (modified railcycle + balanced railjump)
bopoh xD