wrote:somethere i lost my mr.gauntlet bot can anyone give me a link?nu neprikolink tik, irasyk demuske ir siusk!
You can get it with excessiveplus+ mod in www.excessiveplus.net.
If you lost your bot, that might be that your pak0.pk3 in excessiveplus dir is incorrect and you will be unable to play in pure servers. I suggest you check and update your quake3 client and this mod.
nu as rimtai praganiau mr.gauntletus
thats reason why i was only cleaning in clan, gg Johny & Cris.
grrr i'm at work now ( and friday today, so will be at home late and drunk as hell, so u will see my hangovered result tomorrow mornin
btw in FFA bots can spend some time in bottom platform trying to kill each other and in TDM they just trying to kill ya. But from other point - they are close during a try killing each other so this increase chances to doublefrag... so imho its pretty equal
*looks for torzelan*
to lazy to make a demo when it isnt the best possible.
testing fov 105 for fun
#1 {D*R*T}Trance 2:19
#2 |doq|drill 2:21
#3 shady'ak 3:37
PS shady'ak, you played FFA but I think it counts is there difference? not much I think. But on your second try set g_gametype 3 if that doesn't bother you. And something's with your demo recording.